FUNERAL PYRE - Funeral Pyre [Black Cover Edition] (DIGIPAK CD)


Funeral Pyre “Cleveland Ohio” Funeral Pyre
Not to be confused with the other’ the funeral pyre’ that sounds like new metal shit. This Band is not new sounding at all recorded in 1994/96 this is a compilation of there first 3 demos. Being from Cleveland and familiar with this band I thought they were done but glad to here they are not. Made up of some old school members of other bands such as the guitar and bass player from Cleveland’s “DECRIPIT” and an old TERROR member on Guitar and Vocals the first and the second demo were recorded at the same time released in a 2 demo format the sound is raw and like Venom / Hell Hammer with a wild flying demon swirling around riffs blast drums and vocals spewed out in invocation style its like they are trying to raise Lucifer himself FUCK!! Production is different on the third demo. never released and steers the band into an atmospheric style black metal with well written songs and fast hell splattering riffs and vocals in the vein of blasphemy / beherit this band is an acquired taste but you will never know what’s good until you try it
They have no website but they do have a face book page friend them it’s worth it... HORNS UP FUCKERS Desecrator ………